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Supporting people and working for good

The Virtual Services Group supports a variety of causes – and people – through The Virtual Community Foundation.

The Virtual Community Foundation (VCF) reflects the culture and values of us as a group. Just as we believe in doing the right thing for our people and our customers, we believe we should have a positive impact on where we work and what we do.

We are more than the commercial services we offer. And VCF as an organisation allows us to work together on our benevolent, social, economic and employment initiatives. To make a difference where we can.

Examples include supporting our nominated charity, funding community groups and getting involved in community initiatives, staff volunteering, fundraising, mentoring and apprenticeships.

And it also includes our Virtual Purpose social welfare programme, in conjunction with Glasgow City Mission, and our partnership with Entrepreneurial Scotland.

Virtual Purpose

Virtual Purpose gives practical help and support to people who are marginalised and struggling to secure employment. The 12-week programme includes practical skills, qualifications, and work experience – but also promotes participants’ wellbeing and resilience through mentoring and counselling, and empowers them with the life skills and confidence they need to change their circumstances.

Delegates earn a wage while they’re on the programme. And at the end of it we help them to find a permanent job – either within the Virtual Services Group if we can, or elsewhere – armed with a course certificate, qualifications and practical skills, a reference from us, and a confidence in their future.

Entrepreneurial Scotland

Virtual Service Group was delighted to partner with The Saltire Scholars Programme, Entrepreneurial Scotland’s flagship initiative which aims to identify, develop, and connect students with the ambition and potential to become future leaders for Scotland.

Open to full-time undergraduate penultimate and final year students from all 16 Scottish universities, the programme offers a year-long transformational development journey. This journey culminates in an 8-12 week funded summer internship with host companies worldwide.

Participants undergo a rigorous recruitment process, participate in empowering personal development workshops, and work on real commercial projects with their host companies.

This experience enables students to unlock their full potential, cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, and feel empowered to drive growth and impact in their future careers.

If you’d like to find out more about The Virtual Community Foundation, Virtual Purpose or our other programmes, please get in touch.

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The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation

The Virtual Services Group is extremely proud of our association and partnership with our nominated charity, The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation.

The Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation (LCTF) was established to raise awareness of Vasculitis, an autoimmune disease which affects the blood vessels in the body and can lead to fatal organ damage.

The charity was set up in memory of 15 year old Lauren Currie, who tragically passed away due to the disease in October 2010. Lauren was the daughter of Grant and Adrienne, so it’s naturally a cause very close to our hearts.

We’re committed to supporting the charity in its efforts to increase awareness and provide practical and emotional support to people with Vasculitis in the UK.

Find out more about LCTF and vasculitis